Редакци адресĕ:
Чăваш ен, Çĕрпӳ районĕ, Михайловка ялĕ, Хĕвел ур., 1.

Адрес редакции:
Чувашия, Цивильский район, д. Михайловка, ул. Солнечная, 1

Email: civhim2@narod.ru
Тел.(факс): (83545) 6-30-90
Цели: 1) Повторить пройденный учебный материал во время игры
2) Повысить интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка
3) Приобщить учащихся к культуре и традициям изучаемого языка
Ход игры
В игре принимают 2 команды, ученики из каждой команды по очереди выбирают сектор ( всего 20 секторов) , учитель читает задание. Если одна команда не знает ответа, то ход переходит к другой команде. За правильный ответ команда получает 5 баллов.
1. Where does the President of the United States live and work?
a. in Congress
b. in the Pentagon
c. in the White House
2. Who was the first president of the USA?
a. Abraham Lincoln
b. George Washington
c. Theodore Roosevelt
3. How many states are there in the USA?
a. 50
b. 52
c. 51
4. Why do the Americans celebrate the 4th of July?
a. The end of the American Civil War
b. The first moon landing
c. Declaration of Independence
5. What is the capital of the USA?
a. New York
b. Los Angeles
c. Washington (DC)
6. Which is the biggest state in the USA?
a. Alaska
b. Texas
c. California
7. What is the American flag is called?
a. Stars and Stripes
b. Union Jack
c. Union Flag
8. Why did the pilgrims come to America?
a. for great money
b. for religious freedom
c. for great love
9. American money is
a. euros and cents
b. dollars and cents
c. pounds and pennies
10. What is America’s symbol of freedom?
a. the Empire State Building
b. the Bald Eagle
c. the Statue of Liberty
11. In which city is Hollywood?
a. New York
b. Los Angeles
c. Chicago
12. Who created the best animated cartoons in the USA?
a. Walt Disney
b. John Portman
c. Charlie Chaplin
13. Whose portraits are printed on American dollars?
a. American pop stars
b. American actors
c. American presidents
14. Who wrote‘’The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’’?
a. Theodore Dreiser
b. Walt Disney
c. Mark Twain
15. Which of the US Presidents was a Hollywood actor?
a. Ronald Reagan
b. George Bush
c. Bill Clinton
16. What holiday in the USA is celebrated on the Fourth Thursday in November?
a. Columbus Day
b. Independence Day
c. Thanksgiving Day
17. What is the national emblem of the country?
a. the double headed eagle
b. a bald headed eagle
c. the maple leaf
18. Who discovered America?
a. George Washington
b. Christopher Columbus
c. Louis Armstrong
19. What tea party is a historical event?
a. Boston tea party
b. Atlanta tea party
c. Franklin and Washington party
20. Whom are the Oscars awarded to?
a. actors
b. scientists
c. teachers
■ Кузьина Светлана Георгиевна.
Çĕрпÿ районĕ, Михайловкăри тĕп шкул
: 2729, Хаçат: 1 (19), Категори: Акăлчан чĕлхи

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